Baby rompers with animal design will make your baby looks so cute and the mommy a very cheerful mama... This is the bee design. Legs snaps for easy changing, cotton blend.
Dress your baby in this cute romper and let her be the centre of attentions.
Link to our product page: Baby Bee Romper
Baby Bee Romper
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Posted by
Cheerful Mama
2:41 AM
Labels: animal rompers, CheerfulMama,, product, rompers
Baby Beetle Romper
Baby rompers with animal design will make your baby looks so cute and the mommy a very cheerful mama... This is the beetle design. Legs snaps for easy changing, cotton blend.
Dress your baby in this cute romper and let her be the centre of attentions.
Link to our product page: Baby Beetle Romper
Posted by
Cheerful Mama
2:34 AM
Labels: animal rompers, CheerfulMama,, product, rompers
Baby Chicky Romper
Baby rompers with animal design will make your baby looks so cute and the mommy a very cheerful mama... This is the chicky design. Legs snaps for easy changing, cotton blend.
Dress your baby in this cute romper and let her be the centre of attentions.
Posted by
Cheerful Mama
2:29 AM
Labels: animal rompers, CheerfulMama,, product, rompers
We're open, finally
Yes, we're open, finally.
After working intensively during the Hari Raya Haji and Christmas long holiday, we finally managed to get our store ( up. We have not implemented everything on the online store yet. There're quite a few pieces missing. We haven't got the shipping charges and online payment integrated into our site. Please bear with us as we will continuously improve our store.
We're offering store-wide 20% offer until 6 Jan 2008.
Don't miss this great offer. On top of this, we're also offer free local shipping for orders over S$100.
So please pay a visit to our store, Cheerful Mama. Thank you.
Any comments, suggestion are welcomed.
Finally, Merry X'mas and Happy New Year to everyone :)
Posted by
Cheerful Mama
12:35 AM
Labels: CheerfulMama,
Humor Tees
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
We'll have some humor maternity and nursing wears coming up. The humor maternity tees feature slogan such as "I'm in Shape. Round is a Shape", "Tired, Achy, Pwegnant. What's your excuse?" and "I'm not fat, I'm pwegnant". For more nursing and maternity wears, remember to check out our website and blog. :)
Pictures below shows the humor tee featured "I'm in Shape. Round is a Shape". The little girl is one of our directors - Jacinda. :)
From Humor Tees |
From Humor Tees |
Posted by
Cheerful Mama
11:33 AM
Labels: CheerfulMama,, Humor Tees, Maternity Wear
Busy weekend
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Really exhausted last few days! After waiting for quite sometime, we finally received our first batch of goods last Thursday. Goods were received in good condition.
We have been busy checking out the stocks, doing our stock costing and arranging out our catalogue. Hopefully we can provide customers very detail and user friendly website. :)
Wondering when our website to be launched? Hi.... we're working hard on it. Stay tune! :)Last Saturday, we woke up early in the morning. That day was Jacinda childcare's Sport Day. We all, including her younger brother Jeff, went to cheer for her. She was very much enjoying herself on the Sport Day. She was very excited to receive a bronze medal :). Exhausted, she went for a nap in the afternoon. Not only her, we all went for nap too. :)
Monday was Jeff's 2nd Birthday. However we were celebrating his birthday on Sunday evening. We were having a small party for him. This year we have more people here. My younger brother, Chin and youngest sister Pia Ling have been working here few months ago. There weren't many people last time as we invited only Gordon's sister, Ivy and her husband, Clarence. Ivy is going to due soon then our No. 3 kid will join us after Chinese New Year. Next year we will have more kids to celebrate birthdays. :)
We have been busy since Sunday morning, mostly preparing foods for the party. However, we still bought some dishes for the party. I have no confidence to put my cooking on the table. :) Not only me was tired, Gordon was very tired too. Not only he has to do Cheerful Mama website, but also helped me to clean and tidy up our house and do some decoration for the party. However seeing the kids's happiness at the party kills our tiredness. Jeff was enjoyed the party but we think that Jacinda was enjoying the party much more. She's eagerly waiting for her birthday next month. She is counting for the day to come since few months ago. :)
Posted by
Cheerful Mama
11:40 AM
Labels: family
Sneak Preview
Monday, November 5, 2007
We have finalized order with our supplier and goods will be arriving soon....
Besides selling nursing/maternity lingerie, we will also be carrying baby pouch, toddler training pants, kids clothes. One of the interesting products is the animal rompers. Picture on the right shows a sneak preview of a animal rompers. We will reveal the rompers when we open our online store.
Kid with this romper on will definitely make the mother a very cheerful mama. :)
Stay tune for more updates......
Posted by
Cheerful Mama
12:17 AM
Labels: animal rompers, CheerfulMama,, product, rompers, sneak preview
Some updates
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Being a mother isn't an easy job. Thinking that every mother wants to be a happy and cheerful mummy. That's how our name came from. We wish every mom or mom-to-be will be happy, joyful and CHEERFUL everyday. :)
Gordon is working late recently to get our website launched as soon as possible. Anyway, we still have lots of hassle things to do. Hopefully things will get done before end of this year.
Stay tune.
Posted by
Cheerful Mama
2:28 PM
Labels: CheerfulMama, coming soon
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
We are currently working very hard to get our online store, Cheerful Mama ( up and running. Cheerful Mama will be selling nursing wear and related products for moms and moms-to-me.
If you like be notified when Cheerful Mama is launched, please leave your email in the comments or send us ( an email.
We hate spam mail as much as you do; we promise you that your email is only used to notify you about launching of our site, We'll definitely not share your email with any third party.
Posted by
Cheerful Mama
1:37 AM
Labels: CheerfulMama,